My Grimoire
On this page I will tentatively share my personal spiritual reflections and perhaps rituals and practices I know. I was raised Catholic and have been practicing the tarot for others for 3 years now.
Click here for tarot resources
Gut and Blood Tea
- 1 PART Mugwort or Catnip
- 2 PART Strawberry leaf
- 1 PART Ginkgo
- Thimble portion of dandelion root, crushed
- Optional, fruited or flavored tea for a more flavorful base.
Bring water to a boil. Reduce to just below simmering, add mugwort. Raise temperature graduatually for to simmer 5 minutes or until the water turns mossy green but not overly brown (mugwort is unbearably bitter when overcooked). Remove mugwort and add second satchet. Brew at a medium simmer 5 minutes.

I made this originally to be a piece for my altar to respect Mother Mary/The Empress as one entity. The body is made of tin foil and paper mache. The drape on her head was added and before painting, so I didn't paint both sides like I did her lap cloth. Once I realized it would be too difficult to paint her hood blue like I had intended I opted to make just a fertility idol, a statue of any woman in her power. It was a really great excersize to engage with my ancestors and the folk art I grew up with at Bread and Puppet.
Blog 1-7-23
Full moon in cancer, new years

What an evening I had last night! I got home from inpatient around 2pm and then I decided to walk 3 miles, my destination Spiritways up Colfax. I ended up stopping up to Herbs& Arts which I had previously condemned for being so uppity and unfriendly toward people that don't fit their model of what they think a "witch" should look like. I had left my herb shopping list at home but ended up with mugwort, dandelion root, ginkgo, and catnip- I mostly make potions for my blood health and have been experiencing pain like a blood clot in my leg for some time now. I also finally splurged on a cauldron when the nice lady working told me hers is suitable for having small fires indoors in her apartment. I was hoping to find a Virgin Mary statue but I knew I wouldn't have any such luck there, so instead I bought two blue candles. I kept walking up to Tattered Cover, or whatever the media offshoot of it is called, and I bought a copy of The Green Knight and a mystery pack of 4 DVDs which included TMNT (2002), Sliding Doors, Fellowship of the Ring (Widescreen), and Little Shop of Horrors with Jack Nicholson. By then I was getting a little cold having only gone out in a sweater and my feet were hurting and I'll be honest, I forgot about Mother Mary or SpiritWays and grabbed the 15 home.
In the evening I prepared my new year's ritual- burning the Christmas tree, the dried flowers Kiernan had strung upon it, and the nine pentacle-orange ornaments I had painted for to hang. While taking down the flowers I decided to cook them down into beads to make a rosary or something. I made a mugwort tea to go with my ritual and set to cook the roses. After 20 minutes I began feeling woozy, I was sweating and nauseated and dizzy. Then it dawned on me, the roses I had used were over a year old and many of them were probably moldy, and I was here filling my home with the steam! I put up the fan and locked myself in the bedroom with the window open, chugged some water and layed down.
As I layed down I had an Arthurian vision of the beads. I saw myself forming the dough, kneading it mindfully. I count the beads, 53 Hail Marys, 6 Our Fathers, and wrap them in paper in a small box. At work I buy a silver crucifix. In my living room I see the joiner piece, the Hail Holy Queen glowing in the Junk Jar. I see the white shield with a red cross of blood upon it and a white scapular. I send all the pieces to my sister to create a blessed rosary and whomever shall wear it will never be slain in spirit. Then my liver spasmed and I felt the darkness lift from my eyes and found myself lying in my bedroom again with all the lights off.
Finally, in an attempt to kill the mold in my stomach I swigged straight from the Deep Eddy in the cupboard, and vomited. I called poison control and as I waited on hold I felt better, and the nurse that finally answered chuckled over my story. I didn't tell her how my face was painted, and I was doing a ritual to put to end my last year. I did end up feeling well enough to get my fire going and didn't set off the smoke alarm once. The situation definitely wasn't a failure at the end of the night, but just very intense. I feel blessed to have had such a vision revealed to me for New Year's.