I love filming silently and observing the world around me. When I first moved to Denver, I would sit on a main street and watch the people go by for hours, filling out my Denver Bingo Card. Now I am getting into also recording sound I experience around me. As I host my images, they will appear here to illustrate the ways I see the world
Waking Jelly, Sleeping Cheba Hut... I leave for work at 7am now, so I usually just barely catch the sunrise over Colfax. Cheba Hut at sunset is a sign of adventure. It's like leaving the last fire at the edge of the village. That's when the acid's peaking and you know you'll be wandering bars and convinience stores and arcades all night...

I made this cake for Halloween. We don't have trick or treaters in the bad part of town, and Alex said I couldn't carve a pumpkin because the tweakers would freak out and destroy it. I didn't particularly mind if this was the fate for my pumpkin, I feel like having your jack-o-lantern stolen or destroyed is kind of part of the holiday. I made the cake instead.

Bag's all packed for Elitch Gardens' Witchfest! They fumigated the apartment the morning of so we had to have everything already packed- including the entire kitchen. Two days before I packed our "witch kit" and left it overnight at work so we had room to pack away the kitchen. The event was slow, we didn't make much money. Family events are not ideal for tarot readers.